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About Me



I'm a Chartered Accountant who has over 17 year of professional experience working at a number of different Chartered Accountancy firms (across NZ and overseas) helping small business owners like yourselves.

Consequently, I've acquired a lot of experience at dealing with the IRD over this time.

I'm really passionate about helping clients, genuinely want to make a difference and really go the extra mile to exceed their expectations and deliver outstanding results. I feel an immense sense of pride and satisfaction when I manage to get tax written off for clients or when my advice has led to a big improvement in a client's financial position.

My core values that I live by are honesty and integrity and put these at the forefront of everything that I do. I'm up front with clients and tell you like it is, whether it is good or bad news. 

How I got into Financial Therapy?

As a professional person, I become concerned about my long term job security due to the development of the IRD's new computer system and the advancement of artificial intelligence. Therefore I decided to find something new that involved psychology and how we think as this would be something that computers would have difficulty replicating.

I came across the subject of financial therapy one day quite by accident, was interested in the topic, so decided to find out more. I've always been interested in studying personal finance, so it seemed to be a good fit for me.  I enrolled in the one year Masters Level course in Financial Therapy at Kansas State University (The only specialist Graduate Level Course of its kind in the USA) online in 2020 and have just graduated in 2021.

As a result of doing the course, I have a much better relationship with my wife (as we no longer have any conflict about money). In addition to this, while I was completing my studies at Kansas State, I started to observe the habits and behaviors of the accounting clients that I worked with and realised that all the new skills and knowledge that I was learning would greatly benefit them too. 

While I was studying my financial therapy course, I decided to take the initiative and help out a client who had a long history of tax arrears by completing a financial hardship application on his behalf. The client agreed for my help and it turned out to be a very complex case.

I used my knowledge of being able to analyse his money beliefs, behaviors and money disorders, such as being a compulsive spender and the reasons why the client hadn't accumulated much wealth despite his age.

In the end as a result of submitting the financial hardship application, even though the client had previously been unresponsive to IRD requests, I managed to get half his tax arrears written off. 

As a consequence of the successful outcome for this client, the idea of incorporating tax debt management and using financial therapy techniques to help clients with large tax debts was born. 



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Nick Alcock (BBS, Dip 
Rural Studies, Graduate Certificate in Financial Therapy, CA)

Hi, I'm your tax debt fitness coach and financial therapist.

If you have large tax debts, problems with money or just looking for a very forward thinking accountant who really genuinely cares about his clients, please call me on 027 227 8368.

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