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Financial Hardship Applications

Are you unable to sleep at night due to the amount of tax that  your business owes the IRD?

Have you had tax debts for a long time, but your accountant hasn't been able to help you?

Or perhaps your tax debts are out of control and unless you get some urgent help, your business won't survive?

How are you coping with the daily stress and financial anxiety that you are under ? How is this affecting the relationship with your family?

In certain circumstances, depending on your legal structure, nature of your business,  past tax history and likelihood of making a profit in the future, the IRD might consider writing off part or all of your tax debt.

How valuable is your business to you? 

Do you want to a second chance to be able to continue to operate in the future?    If you get a second chance, what things would you do differently?

As far as I know, I'm the only Chartered Accountant in NZ using statistically proven financial psychological methods to try make sense of your past financial decisions, including analyzing your money beliefs, behaviors, money disorders and cognitive and emotional biases.

As part of your financial hardship application,  I tell the IRD your unique money story, explaining the reasons why you got into tax debt  through developing an understanding how you think about money and what decisions that you made in the past that led your getting into debt .

Not only will I do an psychological analysis of your money beliefs and what led you to getting to tax debt, I also try to find answers to seemingly difficult and almost impossible questions that the IRD almost certainly will ask about your past money behaviors. Being able to answer the very thorny questions makes sure that the IRD have the right perception of who you are and it can make the difference between your proposal being approved or being rejected.  

To ensure that you avoid getting behind your current and future tax obligations, as part of my proposal,  I recommend a payment method to the IRD that matches with both the cashflow of your business and your money beliefs.  

If you are serious about saving your business, are prepared to change your beliefs and behaviors and want a second chance, don't delay call me today to take action now before it is too late. 


Cash Settlement of tax debt


If you are not able to pay your outstanding taxes in full as well as keep up with your current tax obligations, the IRD will also consider either an instalment arrangement or making them an offer to settle outstanding debts. 
As a tax expert with no emotional involvement in your business, I can negotiate 

either a full cash settlement or an instalment arrangement with the IRD that suits you financial position and matches with your future cashflow forecast. 

 If you are behind in your payments to the IRD and are being charged interest and penalties, don't let this snowball out of control. 

Control me today to see how I can help you to take control of your tax debts before things turn ugly. 


Are you often in conflict with your spouse or business partner about money?


Are you often fighting with either your spouse or your business partner about money?


How valuable and meaningful is your relationship or your business to you?

Wouldn't it be great to find out why you and your spouse or business partner think differently about money and what you can do in the future to avoid all this conflict?


It might be that you simply just think about money differently. Or that there are much more deeper, complicated issues that require more specialist help. 

Contact me today for your Money Health Check


Preparation of financial statements and tax returns


As a professional trained Chartered Accountant, I'm able to prepare your financial statements and tax returns. 

Financial Hardship applications won't be be considered by the IRD until all your tax returns are up to date and have been assessed by the IRD.


Sometimes clients are several years behind with the IRD. Therefore the first step in even considering applying for financial hardship is to get all tax returns completed.

As financial statements need to be submitted as part of the financial hardship application, it is crucial that all work is completed to a very high technical standard that complies with all the tax regulations.


The IRD will be putting your financial statements and tax returns under the microscope when considering your hardship request, so it is better to come clean if you have any ghosts in your closet. 

I can assist in making the voluntary disclosure to the IRD if necessary. 


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